Registering Iota license


This section describes the steps to register a license for Iota:

Local license

  1. Go to Windows Start Menu and inside the Iota folder, click on License Registration icon.

  2. After a few seconds, a new tab with the hostname of your machine and some instructions will be open in your default web browser.

  3. Copy the hostname shown in the window and email it to to get your license file

  4. Once you have received your license file from our team, copy it to the AppData\Local\ParticleAnalytics\Iota folder located at your home directory (e.g. C:\Users\Stephen\AppData\Local\ParticleAnalytics\Iota).

  5. Please, change the name of the license file to particle.lic if the name of file is different.

  6. Go to Windows Start Menu and click on Iota Jupyter icon to launch Jupyter Notebooks and start creating a new iota notebook

Floating license

Iota supports floating licenses using the license server developed by Reprise Software Inc. For information on how to install the license server, please contact

If the license server has been already installed:

  1. Go to Windows Start Menu and inside the Iota folder, click on License Registration icon.

  2. After a few seconds, a new tab with the hostname of your machine and some instructions will be open in your default web browser. Ignore the instructions and close the tab.

  3. Open with a text editor the file config.ini located inside the AppData\Local\ParticleAnalytics\Iota folder located at your home directory (e.g. C:\Users\Stephen\AppData\Local\ParticleAnalytics\Iota\config.ini)

  4. In the section [DEFAULT], replace the file path of the variable licence by port_number@server_IP information of your license server (e.g. licence = 5053@ and save the changes.

  5. Go to Windows Start Menu and click on Iota Jupyter icon to launch Jupyter Notebooks and start creating a new iota notebook.

Last updated