

This module provides functionalities to generate, edit, display and export graphs.

Generating graphs

Accessing, adding and deleting data from the graph

Displaying and exporting graphs

Getting and setting graph layout

Generate a graph with a scatter plot of trace given its x and y values


  • x : (list of floats or numpy.ndarray of floats) x-values of the trace

  • y : (list of floats or numpy.ndarray of floats) y-values of the trace

  • name: (str) name for the trace

  • title : (str) title of the graph (default: None)

  • x_label : (str) title for the x-axis (Default: None)

  • y_label : (str) title for the y-axis (Default: None)

  • layout: (plotly.go_objs.Layout) a plotly layout object with the settings for the layout of the graph (Default: None)


  • A Graph object that contains a collection of data represented as a trace


Generating graph with a scatter 2D plot called 'Maximum Pressure' and given the array of x values and the array of y values

x_values = numpy.array([0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5])
y_values = numpy.array([10.2,11.2,12.2,13.2])
my_graph = iota.graph.plot_xy( name='Maximum Pressure', x=x_values, y=y_values, x_label='time (s)', y_label='Pressure (KPa)')

Generate a graph with a scatter plot of trace given its x and y values


  • name : (str) name for the histogram

  • values : (list of floats or numpy.ndarray of floats) list of values to build the histogram

  • nbins : (int) maximum number of bins for the histogram (ignored if sizebins is provided)

  • sizebins: (float) size for the bins of the histogram

  • normalize: (str) method to normalize the values of the height of the bins (Default: '')

    • '': number of occurrences

    • 'percent': percentage of occurrences with respect to the total number of values in value (sum of the height of all bins is equal to 100%)

    • 'probability': fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of values in value (sum of the height of all bins is equal to 1)

    • 'density': number of occurrences in a bin is divided by the of the bin (sum of all bin areas is equal to total number of values in value)

    • 'probability density': the area of each bin corresponds to the probability that an event falls within the corresponding bin (sum of all bin areas is equal to 1)

  • title : (str) title for graph (Default: None)

  • x_label : (str) title for the x-axis (Default: None)

  • y_label : (str) title for the y-axis (Default: None)

  • layout: (plotly.go_objs.Layout) a plotly layout object with the settings for the layout of the graph (Default: None)


  • A Graph object that contains a collection of data represented as a histogram


Generating a new graph with a histogram called 'Pressure' given an array with the values and a maximum number of bins equal to 4

values = numpy.asarray([0.5,1.15,1.25,0.8,0.5,0.6])
my_graph = iota.graph.plot_histogram(name='Pressure', values=values, nbins=4, title='Pressure Histogram', x_label='Pressure (kPa)', y_label='Number of nodes')

Generating a new graph with a histogram called 'Pressure' given an array with the values, a bin size equal to 0.5 and normalizing the height of the bin based on percentage

values = numpy.asarray([0.5,1.15,1.25,0.8,0.5,0.6])
my_graph = iota.graph.plot_histogram(name='Pressure', values=values, sizebins=0.5, normalize='percent', title='Pressure Histogram', x_label='Pressure (kPa)', y_label='Number of nodes')

Graph class object. This object is returned when generating a plot using one of the plot methods in the iota.graph (see for example iota.graph.plot_xy or iota.graph.plot_histogram)


Add a plotly.go_objs.Data object to the graph. The Data objects contains a list of data collections objects.


  • name : name of the data

  • data : (plotly.go_objs.Data) Data object containing a list of data collections


Adding a Data object that contains a list of two traces

import plotly as plt
trace1 =  plt.graph_objs.Scatter(x=[8,9,10], y=[11,12,13], name='trace 1')
trace2 =  plt.graph_objs.Scatter(x=[8,9,10], y=[14,15,16], name='trace 2')
Data = plt.graph_objs.Data([trace1, trace2]) 
my_graph = iota.graph.Graph()
my_graph.add_data("traces", Data)

Add a new data collection as a histogram to the graph


  • name : (str) name for the histogram

  • values : (list of floats or numpy.ndarray of floats) list of values to build the histogram

  • nbins : (int) maximum number of bins for the histogram (ignored if sizebins is provided)

  • sizebins: (float) size for the bins of the histogram

  • normalize: (str) method to normalize the values of the height of the bins (Default: '')

    • '': number of occurrences

    • 'percent': percentage of occurrences with respect to the total number of values in value (sum of the height of all bins is equal to 100%)

    • 'probability': fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of values in value (sum of the height of all bins is equal to 1)

    • 'density': number of occurrences in a bin is divided by the of the bin (sum of all bin areas is equal to total number of values in value)

    • 'probability density': the area of each bin corresponds to the probability that an event falls within the corresponding bin (sum of all bin areas is equal to 1)


Adding a new histogram called 'histogram 1' with maximum number of bins equal to 4

my_graph.add_histogram(name='histogram 1', values=[0.5,1.15,1.25,0.8,0.5,0.6], nbins=4)

Adding a new histogram called 'histogram 1' with bin size equal to 0.5 and normalizing the height of the bin based on percentage

my_graph.add_histogram(name='histogram 1', values=[0.1,1.15,1.25,0.8,0.2,0.6], sizebins=0.5, normalize='percent')

Add a new data collection as a trace (scatter) to the graph


  • name : (str) name of the trace

  • x : (list of floats or numpy.ndarray of floats) x-values of the trace

  • y : (list of floats or numpy.ndarray of floats) y-values of the trace


Adding a new trace to an existing graph given the x and y values as a list of floats

my_graph.add_trace(name='my new trace', x=[0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5], y=[10.2,11.2,12.2,13.2])

Adding a new trace to an existing graph given the x and y values as numpy array of floats

x_values = numpy.array([0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5])
y_values = numpy.array([10.2,11.2,12.2,13.2])
my_graph.add_trace(name='my new trace', x=x_values, y=y_values)

Display the graph in the working notebook


  • width : (int) width for the display of the graph in pixels (Default: 800)

  • height : (int) height for the display of the graph in pixels (Default: 600)


Displaying the graph with the default height and width


Displaying the graph and setting its width to 1000 pixels and height to 800 pixels

my_graph.display(width=1000, height=800)

Delete an existing collection of data (e.g. a trace data or a histogram data) from the graph given the name of the data collection


  • name : (str) name of the collection of data to be deleted from the graph


Deleting the existing trace called 'my new trace' from the graph

my_graph.delte_data(name='my new trace')

Export the data values of the traces and histograms in the graph to csv file


  • file : (str) path for the csv file


Exporting the data values of a graph to a csv file called 'my_graph_data.csv'


Export the graph to html file


  • sfile : (str) path for the csv file

  • auto_open : (bool) If True, the exported html file is automatically opened in your web browser (Default: False)

  • width : (int) width for th graph in pixels (Default: 800)

  • height : (int) height for the graph in pixels (Default: 600)


Exporting a graph to a html file called 'my_graph.html'


Exporting the graph to a html file call 'my_graph.html' and setting its width to 1000 pixels and height to 800 pixels

my_graph.export_html(file='C:/Users/Stephen/MyGraphs/my_graph.html', width=1000, height=800)

Get the plotly graph object that represents a data collection in the graph


  • name : (str) name of the data collection



Getting the plolty graph object of the existing trace called 'Trace 1' in the graph

my_graph.get_data(name='Trace 1')

Set the a new plotly graph object to an existing data collection in the graph



Creating a new graph with a trace called 'Trace 1' ands setting afterwards the x-values of the trace to a new list of values

my_graph = iota.graph.Graph()
my_graph.add_trace(name='Trace 1', x=[0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5], y=[10.2,11.2,12.2,13.2])
my_trace = my_graph.get_data(name='Trace 1')
my_trace['x'] = [1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5]
my_graph.set(name='Trace 1', data=my_trace)

Get a layout object that contains the settings of the layout of the graph



Getting the layout settings of a graph

layout_settings = my_graph.get_layout()

Set the settings of the layout of graph


  • title : (str) title for the graph (Default: None)

  • x_label: (str) title for the x-axis (Default: None)

  • y_label: (str) title for the y-axis (Default: None)

  • x_range: (list of two floats): Min and Max values defining the range of the x-axis (Default: None)

  • y_range: (list of two floats): Min and Max values defining the range of the y-axis (Default: None)

  • width: (int) width of the graph in pixels (Default: None)

  • height: (int) width of the graph in pixels (Default: None)


Setting the title of the graph, x-axis and y-axis

my_graph.set_layout(title='My new graph', 
                    x_label='time (s)', 
                    y_label='Pressure (kPa)')

Setting the range of the x-axis and y-axis to [0, 100] and [50, 600] respectively

my_graph.set_layout(x_range=[0, 100], 
                    y_range=[50, 600])

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